:#Google Sheets Integration#Ai Automation#Fine Tuned Models#Seo Optimization#Bulk Prompt ExecutionSynterrix गूगल शीट्स™ के लिए एक उन्नत AI टूल है जो आपके मार्केटिंग, सेल्स, और ऑपरेशंस को अगले स्तर पर ले जाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। गुणात्मक गूगल शीट्स का उपयोग बड़े पैमाने पर करें।
Synterrix: Revolutionizing Google Sheets with AI
Synterrix Introduction
Synterrix is an innovative AI tool designed specifically for Google Sheets™, aimed at enhancing marketing, sales, and operational efficiency. By integrating GPT technology into spreadsheets, Synterrix enables users to automate processes and execute AI prompts at scale, creating significant value without substantial financial investment. This tool is trained on user data to achieve human-level performance, making it a powerful asset for businesses of all sizes.
Synterrix Key Features
- Fine-Tuned AI Models: Supercharge OpenAI models with your data for deeper expertise and smarter decisions.
- Bulk AI Prompt Execution: Execute thousands of AI prompts with one command using built-in API load management.
- AI Autocomplete: Use few-shot learning to automate repetitive tasks based on a few examples.
- Text Extraction: Scrape and import text from URLs or Google Docs for efficient data management.
- Formula Generation: Create custom formulas based on text prompts with support for over 500 Google Sheets functions.
Synterrix Main Use Cases
- SEO: Execute complex SEO-driven content campaigns and manage metadata.
- Ecommerce: Generate product descriptions, SEO blog content, and promotional emails.
- Sales: Achieve AI personalization with fine-tuned models for outreach campaigns.
- Content Operations: Build a content engine for generating various types of content.
Synterrix User Experience
Users have reported that Synterrix significantly enhances productivity and efficiency. For instance, Christine Nielsen, Marketing Director at Wallboard, noted that using Synterrix is like having a whole content marketing team at her fingertips, which is invaluable. The tool's ability to deliver high-intent organic clicks and organic leads has made it a game-changer for many businesses.
Synterrix How to Work It
- Install Synterrix: Begin by installing the Synterrix add-on in Google Sheets.
- Train AI Models: Use your data to fine-tune AI models for specific tasks.
- Execute Prompts: Create and execute AI prompts in bulk using cell references.
- Autocomplete Tasks: Utilize AI autocomplete for repetitive tasks based on examples.
- Extract Text: Import text from URLs or Google Docs for data processing.
- Generate Formulas: Prompt the AI to generate custom formulas for your spreadsheets.
Synterrix Pricing
Synterrix offers flexible pricing plans to cater to different user needs:
- Personal: $25/user/month (billed monthly) or $19/user/month (billed annually) with 1M GPT-4 input and output characters monthly.
- Growth: $45/user/month (billed monthly) or $39/user/month (billed annually) with 2M GPT-4 input and output characters monthly.
- Business: $127/user/month (billed monthly) or $99/user/month (billed annually) with 5M GPT-4 input and output characters monthly.
- Enterprise: Custom pricing with enterprise-grade data protection and dedicated support.
Synterrix FAQs
- What is your refund policy? Synterrix offers a 3-day free trial with a no-questions-asked refund policy if canceled before the trial expires.
- How do you calculate character usage? Character usage is calculated by summing up your prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs).
- What's the difference between GPT-4 and GPT-4-32K? GPT-4-32K has a larger context window, making it more capable and expensive.
Synterrix Contact Information
For more information or support, contact Synterrix through their website or customer support channels. Limited-time offer: Get 50% off forever with the code SYNTERRIX50.
अनुशंसित समान AI उपकरण
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हमने अंतिम ChatPDF ऐप बनाया है जो आपको किसी भी PDF के साथ चैट करने की अनुमति देता है: सवाल पूछें, सारांश प्राप्त करें, जो भी आपको चाहिए वह ढूंढें!
मोनिका टॉप एआई मॉडल (GPT-4, क्लॉड 3, जीमनी) को एक क्लिक चैट, सर्च, लेखन, कोडिंग और बहुत कुछ के लिए एकीकृत करती है। इसे क्रोम, एज या हमारे ऐप पर आज़माएं।